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Thu, Apr 28th 2005 12:00 am, by system
(April 28, 2005, Wheatfield, NY) Calamar announced today that Kathy Griffiths, Director of Marketing for the Wheatfield based construction and real estate organization, was the sole recipient of the CON/STEEL marketing award. CON/STEEL is the engineering and design firm from Dayton, Ohio that specializes in concrete Tilt-Up construction, which Calamar is an exclusive alliance member of. Griffiths received the award at the semi-annual CON/STEEL conference that was held earlier this month in Cincinnati, Ohio. The marketing award is given to a member of the CON/STEEL alliance who has demonstrated superb performance in marketing the CON/STEEL Tilt-Up system.

Calamar President Ken Franasiak said, "We are so very proud of Kathy. Her talents put her on the cutting edge and she continually does a great job in all her marketing efforts. She is a very important part of our organization, a joy to work with and her spirit makes Calamar a wonderful environment to work in."